Harness Your Business Knowledge With Project Templates

Harness Your Business Knowledge With Project Templates


Harness Your Business Knowledge With Project Templates

Harnessing business knowledge using project templates:

NChallenges of manual project creation
NBenefits of standardized templates
NManaging templates in Klient
NDefining scope and scheduling resources
NCreating projects using templates

Understanding the importance of using project templates is crucial for business efficiency and scalability:

$Consistency: Standardized templates ensure uniformity across projects.
$Time Efficiency: Reduces the time required to set up new projects.
$Error Reduction: Minimizes the risk of missing tasks and dependencies.
$Resource Management: Facilitates accurate resource allocation and planning.
$Continuous Improvement: Integrates lessons learned into new projects.

Introduction to Project Templates (0:00)
Greetings, everyone! Dominic, for another ‘How I Solved It with Klient’. On this sunny day, I wanted to discuss harnessing your business knowledge using project templates.

Challenges of Manual Project Creation (0:13)
First, if you’re not using templates and creating projects manually, you’re probably having different structures, phases, and tasks across the projects, and maybe it leads to confusion and inefficiencies. It also creates some higher risk of errors such as missing tasks, incorrect timelines, or overlooked dependencies due to manual setup. That manual setup is time-consuming and most likely leads to misalignment between sales and delivery, delaying the project start. As the project structure varies from one implementation to another, it also makes tracking and reporting more difficult. Ultimately, managing a growing number of projects becomes cumbersome without standardized templates, and it ultimately would be a scalability issue.

Benefits of Project Templates (1:04)
So how can we help using project templates? It will standardize your project structure, ensuring that all templates include common phases and tasks relevant to most projects, and maintaining uniformity and clarity across the projects. Including key details: defining scopes, objectives, and deliverables within your templates, will help alignment between sales, delivery, and the customers. Clearly defining the roles and assigning responsibility within the templates will increase efficiency for the resource planning and their utilization. Creating templates for different project types, small, medium, large, or by industry, each having their tailored structure to meet the specific requirements for each of them. Finally, implementing a feedback mechanism to gather input from project teams about the effectiveness of the delivered projects. Reviewing project structures should be part of your project closeout and lessons learned process.

Managing Templates in Klient (2:03)
So, let’s see how templates are managed in Klient and the core information they should contain. A Klient project can be identified either as a project or a task template, simply marking one of those two checkboxes. A project template will include the information from the envelope, billing type, rate cards, and all relevant information. A task template will be used only for its tasks and related information. The work breakdown structure can be more or less detailed depending on the project size and information on tasks are key. The name, the estimated hours, whether it is billable or not, are all key information we should have. The dependencies and the duration of each task are also quite important. I like to start with a milestone and end with a milestone for better maintenance later.

Defining Scope and Scheduling Resources (2:52)
The scope should be defined in the description field, providing clarity to your team and the customer. A checklist is also another great feature to get more detailed information on what needs to be completed. A resource should be scheduled, now in the place as a placeholder, assigning some hours, and if we have more than one resource, we can also use the assignment grid for distributing the hours to each of our resources.

Using Templates to Create Projects (3:22)
Once our project is set and maintained, we can use it to create a new project, either by using a single project template, leveraging the information from the project envelope, or combining several task templates, using an assembly of those to create our project.

Benefits of Using Project Templates (3:41)
Now that we’ve seen how easy it is to set up a Klient project and all the information it should be comprised of, why not start harvesting the benefits right now? First, it will bring consistency to your projects by standardizing the format, making it easier to manage and facilitating new employees’ onboarding. It will also bring time efficiency by reducing the effort required to set up a new project. It will reduce the risk of missing important tasks and dependencies, ensuring all critical elements are included from the start. It will improve resource management by facilitating accurate resource allocation and planning, ensuring the right resource is working on the right task at the right time. Leveraging successful projects by incorporating proven strategies into methodologies and new project templates. Finally, it allows for continuous improvement of project processes by integrating lessons learned and feedback from successful projects into your templates.

Conclusion and Call to Action (4:43)
So why not start using it now? If you have any questions or comments, it’s always a pleasure to support you. Reach out to [email protected] for any questions or comments. Thanks! Have a great day.

Transform the Employee Experience

Transform the Employee Experience


Transform the Employee Experience

Transforming employee experience with Klient:

NImportance of employee satisfaction
NStructured onboarding processes
NPromoting transparency and communication
NAccess to real-time data and analytics
NLeveraging Klient for satisfaction

Understanding the significance of enhancing employee experience is crucial for business success. Here are five reasons why that’s important:

$Employee Satisfaction: Improved employee experience leads to higher satisfaction and productivity.
$Structured Onboarding: Clear onboarding processes enhance new hire integration and productivity.
$Transparent Communication: Promotes open dialogue and addresses issues promptly.
$Data-Driven Decisions: Real-time analytics enable informed decision-making.
$Workplace Integration: Collaboration across departments fosters a cohesive work environment.

Introduction to Employee Satisfaction (0:00)
Hello, Melodie here for another ‘How I Solved It’ video. As you know, employee satisfaction is crucial for the success of any business. Happy employees lead to better performance, higher retention rates, and greater business success. However, professional teams often face several challenges such as limited employee involvement, unstructured onboarding processes, or lack of insight into employee satisfaction. Implementing a professional service automation, or PSA, can help you address these challenges effectively.

Structured Onboarding Processes (0:36)
Klient assists you in creating structured onboarding processes, ensuring new hires have clear objectives and goals from day one. While it helps employees integrate smoothly, it also benefits the business by enhancing productivity and reducing turnover. You can then be confident that all employees receive the same training and information, leading to consistency and work progress.

Promoting Transparency and Communication (1:01)
With built-in survey capabilities, Klient promotes transparency and open communication between employees and management. By tracking and analyzing employee satisfaction, managers can gain valuable insights and address issues before they escalate, allowing for timely intervention and greater employee engagement.

Access to Real-Time Data and Analytics (1:22)
Finally, the solutions provide access to real-time data and analytics, which enables employees to make informed decisions. Teams from different departments can collaborate more easily, breaking down silos and promoting a more integrated work environment.

Leveraging Klient for Enhanced Satisfaction (1:39)
By leveraging Klient, businesses can significantly enhance employee satisfaction, whether it is through an improved employee experience where the unified platform ensures seamless operations, through a better learning environment which empowers new employees to ramp up quickly with clear objectives and goals, providing a solid foundation for their growth. Or finally, through increased workforce engagement, where employees feel more motivated, increasing job satisfaction and overall productivity.

Conclusion and Call to Action (2:12)
Working with Klient is not just about optimizing operations, but also about creating a thriving workplace where employees feel valued and empowered. Let’s connect to explore how Klient can elevate your team satisfaction.

Optimize your project, when to use Task, Checklist and Milestone

Optimize your project, when to use Task, Checklist and Milestone


Optimize your project, when to use Task, Checklist and Milestone

This video addresses managing project tasks effectively:

NWhen to use tasks, milestones or checklist
NCreating tasks in Kanban and Workspace
N Scheduling resources and using checklists
N Importance of milestones

Managing project tasks and milestones is crucial for successful project delivery and client satisfaction:
$Ensuring Clarity: Clear task descriptions align team and client expectations
$Effective Resource Scheduling: Proper scheduling ensures timely task completion
$Tracking Progress: Milestones help track project performance
$Detail-Oriented Execution: Checklists ensure all task details are covered
$Improving Collaboration: Task and milestone management fosters better team collaboration

0:01 – Introduction and Question from Customer
Greetings everyone! Dominic, for another ‘How I Solved It with Klient’. In this one, I want to answer a question from a customer asking when they should be using a Klient task versus a checklist item. So thank you to Rebecca for the question, we’ll look into that in just a few seconds. So first few features that we are going to cover today are mainly Klient tasks. So a regular task would be where we want to estimate and eventually assign resources to complete the effort. A specific Klient task identified as a milestone, if you want to track a key date or maybe put a validation gate, could be related to an item that will be invoiced as we’ll see in just a few seconds. And then last, the checklist items, which act as a completion item of a task or some kind of a brain dump. Basically, they are things that should be completed on a specific task.

1:01 – Creating Tasks in Kanban or Workspace
A Klient task can be created both in the Kanban or in the Workspace. Let’s start with the latter. As a task is part of a project, it should be comprised of information like the timeline, when the effort should be completed, the effort level, so the hours estimated to complete, and then the scope, what is to be completed within that task. Ultimately, the project is the sum of all tasks. The scope itself should be described within the description field, providing clarity both to your team and to your customer, making sure everyone’s on the same page. This is essential for setting clear expectations and ensuring that everyone involved understands the task requirements and deadlines.

1:38 – Scheduling Resources and Using Checklists
The task is also where you’d be scheduling your resource, who is going to complete the estimated hours and then complete the work. This is also where eventually the resource should be logging their hours, at that level. And ultimately, the checklist is a list of items that should be completed within that task. So it’s a granular information for your team of how you should be delivering what we expect them to complete before we mark that task as complete. The checklist can also affect the percentage complete of the task as it is being completed. This helps in tracking progress and ensures that no critical steps are missed.

2:12 – Importance of Milestones
As for the milestones, these tasks are key dates, validation gates that you have. It’s only a task that is marked as a milestone and if it’s a deliverable that should be invoiced, it’s only a matter of adding a milestone payment to it. This ensures that key deliverables are met on time and provides a checkpoint for evaluating project progress. Milestones can also help in aligning project phases and managing client expectations by highlighting significant achievements or stages in the project lifecycle.

2:55 – Using the Kanban Board
Another way of adding tasks is through the Kanban board. Hitting the ‘+’ sign at the top where you can create a new task for your project. Or another way I like, using the Kanban, is to go in the site panel and click on the sub-tasks. So there you’re sure where you’re adding your task, as a child of the selected tasks. You can use the same information as in the workspace; time, effort, description, so that you can add that task to your project. This visual approach helps in managing tasks efficiently and provides a clear overview of task dependencies and progress.

3:35 – Recap and Conclusion
To recap, we’ve seen different ways of adding a Klient task to a project. We’ve shown regular and milestone tasks and how we should be using them and also the checklist items that can be added to any tasks. For the regular tasks, this is where you will estimate your effort and define the scope of your project. Also where you will be assigning and scheduling your resource. Ultimately, this is where the project resources will log their hours too on their timesheets. And it’s also where usually you would be collaborating with other team members either through common fields or the Chatter option. As for the task marked as a milestone, they are key dates or validation gates within your project, often transitioning from one phase to another. They would also be used in project performance measurements. So, how well did we do on our go-lives, planned versus actual? A milestone is easily leveraged for that. And then it’s also where you would be invoicing a deliverable, upon completion.

4:35 – Final Thoughts on Checklist Items
And then finally, checklist items. They are a quick list of need-to-be-completed items for each of the tasks, providing more and more details to the team of what needs to be done. It can also be used for percentage completion of tasks, based on completing those checklists. And then usually they’re not required to time tracking. So this is not a task. It’s really something more granular so that you wouldn’t need to log hours on those items. This granularity ensures thoroughness in task completion and helps in maintaining high standards of project delivery.

4:45 – Closing Remarks
So hopefully you’ve seen some insights into what I just presented. As usual, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out at [email protected]. Thanks, have a great day!

Assign Project Resources to a Won Project

Assign Project Resources to a Won Project


Assign Project Resources to a Won Project

In this video, Dominic addresses how to assign resources to a won project in Klient:

N Using placeholders for assignments
N Tracking skills and certifications
N Utilizing assignment statuses
N Choosing & comparing resources
N Assigning tasks in Workspace

Assigning project resources to won projects is crucial for effective project management and success:

$Ensuring Proper Fit: Using skills and certifications for better resource fit
$Improving Forecasting: Utilizing assignment statuses for accurate forecasting
$Streamlining Assignments: Using placeholders to simplify assignment processes
$Enhancing Efficiency: Supply and demand window ensures optimal resource allocation
$Effective Task Management: Assigning tasks efficiently in the project workspace

0:00 – Introduction
Greetings everyone! Dominic for another ‘How I Solved It with Klient’. This time I want to talk about assigning resources to a newly closed won project.

0:11 – Best Practices for Project Assignment
Before we get there, just a few best practices related to project assignment. First, using placeholders. The placeholders will be very helpful when we build out the project to estimate the revenue and then eventually forecast a usage of potential roles on the project. And we’ll see that when we start staffing the project, it’s gonna come very handy for an easy swap. Tracking the skills and certification of our resource, get to know them better, know what they’re good at and what they like so that you can get better fits to your customers after. And then ultimately, utilizing the assignment status for better forecasting. So marking an assignment as pipeline, soft booked or booked, will provide deeper knowledge into your bench and then the forecasting of your revenue.

0:55 – Using Resource Planner and Assigning Resources
So what I want to cover today, I’m gonna show three different things related to project assignment. First, resource planner so that we can find the right resource doing a resource swap. Then I’m gonna show a bit more detailed approach to assigning resource at the task level. And then last, maintaining your project assignments and doing an assignment split when someone goes to holidays or maybe is off boarded. Here we go. So we just won the project. We had project assignments already in the form of placeholders because we used it for estimate. Clicking on the resource plan will provide us with the workload for each of the roles that needs to be staffed. The project assignment status can be used, changing to soft booked or booked. That will affect how we’re considering those hours in our forecasting.

1:48 – Supply and Demand Window
Clicking on the link for the project assignment will bring us to a supply and demand window, showing required hours up top for the role, and eventually at the bottom in the middle section, the available hours for each of our resources considering each their schedules and their current workload. Comparing resource brings us to a hockey card type of comparison where we can see skills and certifications with proficiencies and the cost rates for each of those resources. Once satisfied, we can click ‘Book’ to flip that project assignment to the actual resource. Now, Bailey Neely is part of our project.

2:30 – Assigning Tasks in Project Workspace
The project workspace can also be used to do assignments on our tasks. The grid will show us information relative to our tasks, including the current assignee for each of them. So let’s say we need to add a new task on our project. Customer requested some additional training sessions so that we can quickly add that to our ‘Deliver’ section. Selecting the duration, the estimated hours that will be required, and maybe create dependencies on existing timeline to make sure that we schedule at the right time. Clicking on the assignee will bring us to the schedule tab in which we can search for resources. Maybe we’re looking for a trainer on this one with specific skills and certification. So narrowing down our pool of available resources. Hitting ‘Search’ shows us the scheduled hours considering all projects and remaining available for the period of the tasks. Clicking on the ‘+’ will add that resource automatically to this task, bringing them on the team.

3:34 – Splitting Project Assignments
One last thing, you wanna make sure that you maintain your project assignments here, showing a feature where we can use project assignments split. If someone is going on vacation or is offboarding, you wanna make sure that you will assign the portion of tasks that needs to be completed by that new resource.

3:55 – Conclusion
There you go. So as you’ve seen, there are different ways that we can assign project resources throughout the project’s lifecycle. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out, it will be a pleasure to help you out. Thanks. Have a great day!

Life of a Project: Fixed Fee with Milestones

Life of a Project: Fixed Fee with Milestones


Life of a Project: Fixed Fee with Milestones

In this video, Dominic addresses managing fixed fee projects with milestones:

N Creating projects from accounts
N Using project templates
N Adjusting milestone dates
N Tracking unvoiced items
N Generating invoices

Managing fixed fee projects with milestone payments is crucial for efficient project billing and invoicing:

$Streamlining Project Creation: Easily create projects from accounts, ensuring seamless transitions
$Ensuring Data Consistency: Use templates to maintain consistency and accuracy in project setup
$Flexible Milestone Management: Adjust and track milestones for accurate billing and project management
$Efficient Invoicing: Use dynamic list views and Generate Invoice UI for streamlined invoicing
$Standardizing Communication: Send invoices with standardized email templates, ensuring professional communication

0:00 – Introduction
Greetings everyone. Dominic, for another ‘How I Solved It with Klient’. This time we’re going to review how we can manage the lifecycle of a fixed fee project using milestones. Here we go! A project can be created directly from your customer Account page. From here, you’ll be asked a few questions like using project templates or task templates so that you can benefit from your business knowledge relating that to the account and any other fields that might be required for you to create the project. Here we’ll select the start date of the project.

0:41 – Project Creation
From here we will be creating that new project referencing to the selected template. Cloning tasks, assignments, and other information from the project. We now have a new project created where we can reach the Workspace to review the project itself. Adjustments can be done to dates either on the graphical side, moving milestones around, or selecting dates to be a bit more precise. Any task identified as a milestone with a milestone payment will be billable once they are marked as Completed.

1:17 – Managing Milestones
Back to the Project page, we’ll have list views, like dynamic lists here, showing unvoiced items so that we can keep track of our project. Obviously, reports and dashboards will also be available. From here, we can generate invoice, listing all available items for billing. The milestone that we have marked previously as completed is now available so that we can create the invoice record. The items will be listed on the invoice, and the related item, the milestone, will be also marked as invoiced.

1:54 – Invoicing
We can generate the PDF document right from our record and use the one click button to email to our customer using an email template and selecting the contacts from the accounts. There you go, project creation to invoicing, in just a few clicks. Thanks!

Life of a Project: Fixed Fee with Installments with Sales Cloud

Life of a Project: Fixed Fee with Installments with Sales Cloud


Life of a Project: Fixed Fee with Installments with Sales Cloud

In this video, Dominic addresses managing fixed fee projects with installments in Klient:

N Creating projects from opportunities
N Inheriting opportunity info
N Editing and cloning lines
N Using dynamic list views
N Generating invoices

Understanding how to manage fixed fee projects with installments is crucial for efficient project billing and invoicing:

$Streamlining Project Creation: Easily create projects from opportunities, ensuring seamless transitions.
$Ensuring Data Accuracy: Automatically inherit opportunity information to maintain data consistency.
$Flexible Billing: Easily edit and clone billing lines to manage installments effectively.
$Efficient Invoicing: Use dynamic list views and Generate Invoice UI for streamlined invoicing.
$Standardizing Communication: Send invoices with standardized email templates, ensuring professional communication.

0:03 – Introduction
Greetings everyone! Dominic for another ‘How I Solved It With Klient’. Today I want to do an overview of how we can manage fixed fee projects with installments, from beginning to end. Here we go! A Klient fixed fee project can easily be created directly from an opportunity if we are using Salesforce Sales Cloud Native Objects. We can achieve that by relating our project templates to different opportunity products that we have in our system. Meaning that when we are changing a status or at the click of a button, we can have that project created automatically.

0:47 – Project Creation
This project will inherit the information from the opportunity products related, so that we have the information transferred automatically. Also on top of other components like Klient tasks and project assignments that have been created from our project template, we will have project billing lines so that we can proceed with the invoicing. If ever we need to change and create installments, we can easily edit and clone the existing lines. Editing the first project billing line we have, we can reduce the amount, set it as the initial amount, and then using the clone for that same line we can create a second installment with the remaining percentage to a later date.

1:40 – Managing Installments
Back to the project, dynamic list views will help us keep track of what needs to be invoiced. We can now proceed to the invoicing reaching the Generate Invoice UI, that will help us gather what is ready for invoicing. Selecting our project and creating the invoice will capture that information and generate an invoice record automatically. We can validate the information and generate the PDF to send the invoice directly from our system using the one click ‘Email send’ to the contact of the account and using an email template to standardize how we are sending our emails.

2:23 – Conclusion
Fixed fee project, from quote to cash in just a few screens. Thanks!

Life of a Project: Fixed Fee With Installments

Life of a Project: Fixed Fee With Installments


Life of a Project: Fixed Fee With Installments

In this video, Dominic takes us through a comprehensive guide on managing a fixed fee project with installments using Klient. He demonstrates the process from project creation to task management, monitoring, and reporting.

NCreating a new project from the customer account page
NLeveraging templates for quick project setup
NAssigning tasks and milestones
NMonitoring progress and generating reports
NReal-time adjustments and team alignment

Understanding how to effectively manage fixed fee projects with installments is crucial. This video addresses several key aspects:

$Ensure accurate billing: Knowing how to set up installment payments helps maintain precise financial records and avoids disputes with clients.
$Improve project efficiency: Leveraging templates and dynamic lists can save time and reduce errors, making project management more efficient.
$Enhance financial control: Tracking uninvoiced items ensures that all billable work is accounted for, improving cash flow and profitability.
$Streamline invoicing: Automating the invoicing process reduces administrative tasks and ensures timely payment, enhancing client relationships.
$Optimize project delivery: Managing the project lifecycle effectively ensures that projects are delivered on time and within budget, leading to higher client satisfaction and repeat business.

1. Introduction (0:00 – 0:13)
Greetings everyone! Dominic for another ‘How I Solved It with Klient’. This time on the lifecycle of a project, in the case of a fixed fee with installments. We’ll cover from beginning to end. Here we go! Starting on the customer account page,

2. Project Creation (0:13 – 0:39)
We can directly create the new project from here. We can leverage project templates or task templates to quickly create a project leveraging our business knowledge. Obviously we can create a project from scratch, but using past experience is always a plus. Information that is preloaded based on the template selected can be kept as is or modified.

3. Task Management (0:39 – 1:21)
The project cloning process will take tasks or any other informations to the project reference and bring it over into our new project. Already, we have a project billing created based on an immediate payment, but if we wanted to change that for multiple installments, we can quickly modify our project configuration. Then we can change the project billing that was automatically created, maybe to create a 50% payment upfront and then use that same project billing line and clone it to create the final payment.

4. Monitoring and Reporting (1:21 – 2:02)
And that’s it. We now have two configured project billing lines for installments, and we can also use dynamic list views to list all uninvoiced items on our project. Now ready to generate the invoice for a certain period, listing may be just installments so that we can quickly create that invoice record to send the PDF to our customer. After reviewing, the document can be generated directly from our system so that we can with one click, send an email, leveraging email templates and also our contacts related to our account.

5. Conclusion (2:02 – 2:09)
That’s it. Project creation to invoicing in a breeze. Thanks!

Agile Sprint Planning & Release Management

Agile Sprint Planning & Release Management


Agile Sprint Planning & Release Management

In this video, Klient Product Manager addresses how he uses Klient as a product manager and manage their day-to-day:
N Creating epics or projects using templates
N Adding stories and acceptance criteria
N Assigning resources and tagging stories into sprints
N Managing requirements with Quip
N Having a holistic view on the sprint and managing releases

Efficient agile sprint planning and release management are crucial for successful project implementation.

$Enhance Project Efficiency: Proper sprint planning ensures that project tasks are completed efficiently and on time.
$Improve Team Collaboration: Agile methodologies foster better communication and collaboration among team members.
$Ensure Timely Delivery: Effective release management helps in planning and executing project releases on schedule.
$Increase Flexibility: Agile planning allows teams to adapt to changes and new requirements quickly.
$Boost Client Satisfaction: Efficient project and release management lead to timely delivery and higher client satisfaction.

0:00 – Introduction to Agile Sprint Planning & Release Management
Hi everyone! In today’s video, I’ll be talking about How I Solved It With Klient to do agile sprint planning and release management. In today’s agenda, we’ll cover the topics such as seamlessly creating epics or projects using templates such as administration projects and development projects. Then we’ll look at the process of categorizing tasks such as story or a bug and prioritizing them along with tagging them to the right sprint and assigning them to the resources. Then we’ll look into the process of release management, where we tag projects into releases so they can be shipped out as planned. Before we start the video, I want to look at some of the key challenges and how Klient helps solve them.

0:35 – Key Challenges & Klient Solutions
Klient provides a centralized platform where business requirements are documented and managed. It allows for easy collaboration between stakeholders, project managers, and development teams. We maintain these requirements in Quip, which is integrated with the project module, allowing me to easily translate these requirements into user stories. Klient offers resource management functionalities that enable product managers to allocate tasks efficiently based on the team member’s skill, availability, and workload. I personally use Workspace to efficiently assign stories and bugs to resources. Klient supports Agile methodologies by providing tools for sprint planning, tracking and monitoring progress. It allows my team to prioritize tasks within the sprint, set the sprint goals, and track progress and manage communication across the team. Klient also offers portfolio management capabilities that provide a holistic view of all projects and releases across the organization. Managers can track the status of releases, identify dependencies between projects and allocate resources strategically to ensure timely delivery.

1:33 – Creating Epics & Projects Using Templates
In this video, I’ll be talking about how I use Klient as a product manager and manage my day-to-day, which is essentially creating epics or projects, adding stories to them, tagging them into a sprint, assigning resources to them, and then finally tagging them to a plan release. We use templates to create projects so that all the tasks which are predefined to be worked on our project comes along with the template. Then I go about and write stories and acceptance criteria for those stories. After that, I sit with the team and groom those stories so we come up with dependencies and estimated hours. Once the grooming is done, we assign the story to team members and then tag them into a sprint. Once that’s done, I can see a holistic view of what’s happening in the sprint.

2:05 – Managing Requirements with Quip
So let me take you through the process of creating a new project. So for that we’ll just click the ‘New’ button here. We’ll specify the type of the project so in our case it’ll be ‘Development’ project. After that, the new project creation page will be opened up. In here we’ll define the record type for the project. After that, we can give the project the name. And this is where we choose the template. So in our case, in our example, we’ll choose the ‘Klient Development’ template. Although there are multiple options I can pick from. On clicking ‘Save’, new project creation wizard will run, and this is gonna clone all the tasks which are part of the template. It will pair in those tasks, it will create all the task assignments, and then finally it will create task sections and when I’ll be redirected to the new project page, I will be able to see all those tasks created. So the process is finished and this is where I can open up the Workspace and I will see all the tasks that came along along the template. Important tasks such as the architecture, document, release notes, QA document, any requirements approval we need, and this is where I then start and add user stories.

3:04 – Assigning and Prioritizing Stories
So as an example, we’ll take an existing project. The way we manage requirements is through Quip and we have requirements tab here. So this is integrated with Klient and this is where all the business requirements are kept. And after that, we simply translate them into user stories. I’ll open up the Workspace, this is where I’ve already added user stories for the project. The description and the proposed solution with any mockups. Then there is a concept of task type. So stories, story bug or task, we can specify it. We can prioritize the stories. This is where we tag them into a sprint so that we can have a holistic view on the sprint. All the estimated hours can be added. And then finally a resource can be assigned. In order to do that, I simply choose assignee button. If I need to assign multiple tasks to the resource, I can also do that and I can mass assign the resource to multiple tasks. As a resource they also use Workspace. They can come here if they need to do any collaboration with the team. To get unblocked on anything they can simply use the chatter option and they can tag the relevant team members.

3:56 – Holistic Sprint View & Release Management
So this is how I tag a particular project into a sprint and a plan release and I repeat this process for multiple projects. And once that is done, I can have a holistic view on the sprint. So for that, we’ll go to the Klient tasks. This is an example sprint, which is ongoing. It has multiple projects being worked upon by different resources. And this is how easy it is for me to manage an ongoing sprint and this is very handy in running daily scrums because we can have the updates from the team members and unblock them if need be. The other important thing is the key KPIs that are maintained as the project progresses. So all the estimated hours, the logged hours from the resources, any costs, they’re all maintained at the project level. The other important thing is plan release. So as you can see, we have this plan release module and this is where we tag a project or a story into a given release. And on the plan release we have some key dates, the release date, the GA date, internal QA dates, and all the release highlights. And if I scroll down, I’ll see the tasks and the projects which are planned on a given release.

4:52 – Conclusion
So that’s it from my side and this is how easy it is to manage Agile teams and do sprint planning, sprint execution, and release management using Klient. Thank you everyone for watching and let us know if you have any questions!

Maximize Your Margins With Efficient Implementation

Maximize Your Margins With Efficient Implementation


Maximize Your Margins With Efficient Implementation

Maximizing project margins through efficient implementation is crucial. Melodie shares key practices for effective project management using Klient.

N Collaboration Between Sales and Services
N Resource Allocation and Skill Matching
N Defining Roles and Responsibilities
N Progress and Budget Updates
N Access to Latest Data

Maximizing project margins is essential for sustaining profitability and business growth.

$Ensure Profitability: Maximizing margins helps ensure that each project contributes positively to the bottom line.
$Manage Resources Efficiently: Efficient resource management prevents overspending and optimizes resource allocation.
$Improve Financial Health: Healthy project margins contribute to overall financial stability and growth.
$Enhance Client Satisfaction: Efficient project implementation leads to timely delivery and higher client satisfaction.
$Support Strategic Growth: Maximized margins provide additional funds for strategic investments and expansion.

1. Introduction (0:00 – 0:13)
Running a successful professional service team requires robust operational rigor. Whether it is challenges such as failing to define a project scope accurately, understaffing or assigning tasks to team members without the relevant skills, absence of clear roles in responsibilities, not keeping stakeholders informed about progress and changes, or failing to monitor progress effectively can all significantly impact business financials, shrinking the margins even when profit grows.

2. Collaboration Between Sales and Services (0:14 – 0:45)
Klient handles the collaboration between sales and services with intuitive interfaces designed to accelerate the sale cycle and simplify the scoping process. Customizable proposal based on project templates are also available, ensuring you can easily replicate successful deliverables, every time.

3. Resource Allocation and Skill Matching (0:46 – 1:10)
Once an opportunity is won, Project Managers can easily begin assigning the necessary resources, matching the right skills and availability, ensuring all projects meet the customer’s expectations and are delivered on time.

4. Defining Roles and Responsibilities (1:11 – 1:35)
Projects of all kinds require a sturdy foundation when it comes to defining who is responsible for delivering at what time. Simplify this essential procedure with the workspace, a collaborative interface that allows you to always be on the same page, shedding a light on commitments across the project lifecycle.

5. Progress and Budget Updates (1:36 – 2:00)
Klient also makes it easy for Project Managers to share progress and budget updates with their customers in a refined and intuitive format. Project updates can be sent and seen, anytime, anywhere, with a single click.

6. Access to Latest Data (2:01 – 2:30)
Finally, the unified platform allows leadership and managers to access the latest data, at all times. It allows for rapid risk assessment and issues, empowering the team to make better decisions faster, therefore increasing revenue per project and overall customer satisfaction.

7. Elevating Business Efficiency (2:31 – 3:00)
Klient is definitely your partner in elevating business efficiency and maximizing revenue as it helps you repeat best practices and delivery methods, allocate the right resources to the right task, clarify the responsibilities of each contributor, improve the customer experience with frequent updates, and finally manage rising risk and issues in a timely manner.

8. Conclusion (3:01 – 3:13)
Yes, Klient can help you bring your business to new heights, ensuring growth is just around the corner. Next, let’s connect and evaluate how Klient can help you reach your goal. Thanks!

Prevent Revenue Leakage With Dashboards

Prevent Revenue Leakage With Dashboards


Prevent Revenue Leakage With Dashboards

Preventing revenue leakage is essential for business success. Dominic shares key practices for using dashboards to optimize invoicing and revenue management.

N Challenges in Revenue Management
N Causes of Revenue Leakage
N Best Practices for Prevention
N Efficient Approval Processes
N Comprehensive Dashboards

Understanding how to prevent revenue leakage is crucial for maintaining financial health in any project

$Protect Profits: Ensures all earned revenue is captured and contributes to profitability.
$Maintain Cash Flow: Prevents delays in payments, maintaining a steady cash flow.
$Enhance Financial Accuracy: Ensures financial records are accurate for better planning and reporting.
$Improve Client Trust: Builds trust with clients through accurate billing.
$Support Business Growth: Captures all potential revenue, providing resources for growth.

1. Introduction (0:00 – 0:13)
Hello everyone! Dominic here for another ‘How I Solved It With Klient’ focusing on the invoicing aspect of a project and how we can leverage the dashboards to prevent revenue leakage.

2. Challenges in Revenue Management (0:14 – 0:45)
Probably we’ll be stating some obvious things here, and it’s just a limited list, but revenue leakage is obviously one of the challenges here, often caused by a limited data visibility so we have disconnected systems, the information is in different areas, and we don’t have that holistic view of what needs to be addressed or done before we can actually generate our invoice. So we don’t know if there’s any revenue left on the table.

3. Causes of Revenue Leakage (0:46 – 1:15)
One of the causes of that also is the lack of an intelligence system, a disconnected system, or just a structured approach to our data processing. That is also an issue where we have things that are stuck into process because we don’t have tools to help us on getting that process correctly. And then slow cash flow often cause a bit of, for all those reasons, there’s a lot of manual work. We need to reconciliate information from different places, areas, spreadsheets, run after people or send emails so obviously you know the drill.

4. Best Practices for Prevention (1:16 – 1:45)
So these are often challenges that we need to address when we have discussions with customers and how we can structure that with Klient and the different tools we have on the Salesforce platform. So best practices, just to name a few: clear billing models, obviously, so that each of the projects and what it needs to be invoiced on each of those projects and have the system help you gather the information eventually.

5. Efficient Approval Processes (1:46 – 2:10)
Efficient approval process, time and expense. Most likely for those timesheets and those expense reports that needs to be invoiced, we need to have a clear and efficient, or simple way to have that approved so that we get it on the right task, on the right project, and eventually generate the invoice only once. Project ownership, accountability is core to all operations.

6. Comprehensive Dashboards (2:11 – 2:45)
I think we need to make sure that we know who we need to go to and see if there’s information that needs to be reviewed, or addressed, and get everything or wrap everything together here, a comprehensive set of dashboards. You should have dashboards for each part, portion of your process and then one for each mindset that needs to be in. In this case, I’m going to talk about the ‘Pre-Invoicing Dashboard’ that is core, or out-of-the-box in Klient. It is often a starting point.

7. Dashboard Features (2:46 – 3:15)
If you have any specifics, you can take that one and spin one for you, with more or less components. But obviously this one here is, a very good starting point, we think based on the feedback we got from customers, and it’s been worked on, as we have been working with customer obviously. So my color code here is: blue is stuff that needs still to be processed or addressed by someone before we can get it on an invoice.

8. Tracking Invoices (3:16 – 3:45)
So usually stuff that are unapproved, billable timesheets, expenses that are in your system that are supposed to be invoiceable. You’ll want to make sure that you have that discussion with your PMs or whomever is responsible for approving. So here I have that grouped by project, but also by PMs so that we can either send a chatter, call on the phone and say ‘Okay, can you process your different projects? I’m trying to do the invoicing.’

9. Team Coordination (3:46 – 4:15)
So teamwork here, not trying to blame anyone, but more on trying to address that as a team, make sure that the information is progressing correctly in our system. So timesheets, expenses, and milestones. If you’re more of a deliverable type of business, milestones is the term that we’re using in Klient for those items that needs to be completed to be invoiced.

10. Conclusion (4:16 – 4:45)
So do we have stuff in the past that needs to be rescheduled or marked as completed? So again, having that discussion with the PM so that the data quality remains as high as possible, and we are sure that when we click on ‘Generate invoice’ as we’ll see later, everything is included. Hopefully that helps. Let us know if you have any questions, comments. It’s always a pleasure to get in contact with you. We’re here to help. Thanks. Have a great day!