Successfully Onboard Employees With a Structured Project Template
Importance of a Project Template
Using a Project Plan
Providing Training Material
Feedback and Continuous Improvement
Utilize Project Templates: Use structured project templates for consistent and efficient onboarding.
Visualize and Schedule Tasks: Project plans help visualize and schedule onboarding tasks.
Provide Comprehensive Training: Offer essential training materials through various platforms.
Gather Feedback for Improvement: Collect feedback to continuously improve the onboarding process.
1. Introduction (0:00 – 0:13)
Greeting everyone! Dominic here for another ‘How I Solved It With Klient’, focusing today on resources onboarding, and structure to get better.
2. Challenges in Onboarding (0:14 – 0:45)
Obviously, there are a few challenges when onboarding, focusing on those five for now: The information overload on day 1, so improper schedule of expected material to be consumed by our new onboardee. Not setting clear expectations and goals which may lead to a lack of employee engagement. If they don’t see what’s upcoming, what level they should be performing at a certain point, it might disengage them. Improper way of providing or grabbing the feedback so that we can do continuous improvement and eventually also inconsistent onboarding across different managers. So we don’t have one way of doing, so we are not able to reproduce and get better and improve on the process.
3. Importance of a Project Template (0:46 – 1:15)
So to me, this feels a lot like a solution to these issues are to have a project structure, to have a project template that we can leverage every time that we have a new employee onboarding with the business so that we have a structured way of onboarding the employees either by providing set goals or expectations by definition and by timing so that we can have a certain project plan for those employees so that we have clear visibility on when they should be completing those components of onboarding.
4. Using a Project Plan (1:16 – 1:45)
Using the project plan here to visualize and eventually even to have a certain scheduling and have them already from day one under your scheduling board so that you can see what their occupation will be from the beginning. Using that project here also is a good way of getting some details of things that they need to cover while they’re doing their onboarding. Either through a certain definition or different checklists items they need to mark as complete to set the status and the progress of each of those tasks on their project. It’s a very good way of structuring what they are expected to do.
5. Providing Training Material (1:46 – 2:10)
Providing some external links to trailheads or expert sites for their training material or to your LMS software, why not? So that you have different items that they need to cover and complete for their training. Or why not leverage those QR codes here where you can have some additional information that might be consumed on a cell phone or some other external screens, so take a look at that one, you might be interested into this one.
6. Feedback and Continuous Improvement (2:11 – 2:45)
So that structured approach here, using a project template that can be leveraged and assigned to a new onboardee every time they come in, is a good way also to gather, and a good container to get the feedbacks and then continuously improve as you will be able on your project closeout lessons learned. When you’re complete, you’re done with that onboarding project to get that feedback into that template so next time some other manager needs to onboard an employee, they will benefit from your experience and you will be able as a business to develop a good onboarding experience.
7. Conclusion (2:46 – 2:55)
Hopefully that helps and spur some ideas for you. Let us know if you have any questions, it will be a pleasure to have a discussion. Thanks! Have a great day!

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