Yanick Abraham

What I do… I thrive on helping companies grow their business. I’m at my best when I connect with the executives, the management team and the employees to understand their business, their pains and their vision so I can guide them in this Cloud age. I enjoy sharing industry best practices, optimizing processes, planning technology roadmaps and structuring a business for growth. I feel successful when my customer reach their business objectives. In the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with more than 400 companies which gave me great business insights, industry knowledge and technical expertise that I apply with my customers. When conducting efficient business process management, I don’t lose myself in methodology details, I prefer being straight to the point, agile, adaptive and achieve results efficiently. Technology evolves rapidly and it’s tough to keep on top, but I do. That’s why you can rely on me to find the best solutions for your business! I’m a highly effective solution architect, a business process specialist, a coach and a technology enthusiast who helps companies grow their business.

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