Achieve more with your customer with Klient Customer Community

This video showcases how to improve project success using Klient’s Custom Community.
N User-centric design
N Integrated automation
N Task tracking
N Chatter communication
N Project management updates

Effectively using Klient’s Custom Community is important for project success because:

$Enhance Customer Experience: By using a user-centric design, you ensure customer needs are prioritized.
$Streamline Processes: Integrated and automated processes reduce inefficiencies, saving time and resources.
$Ensure Security: Security and compliance are critical in maintaining trust and protecting sensitive information.
$Improve Communication: Leveraging tools like Chatter keeps communication organized & within context, improving collaboration.
$Maintain Project Visibility: Real-time updates help maintain project transparency, ensuring all stakeholders are informed.

0:00 – Introduction to Klient Community
Greetings everyone! Dominic here for another “How I Solved It with Klient.” Today, I want to talk about how you can do more with your customer by leveraging the Klient Community. We all face similar challenges—multiple communication channels lead to inefficiencies and data discrepancies, causing tracking and visibility issues for both customers and us. Ultimately, it’s the customer experience that suffers. I’m here to share some best practices on how to solve this.

0:47 – User-Centric Design and Automation
One key approach is adopting a user-centric design. Your process and interactions should keep the customer at the forefront. Ideally, everything should be integrated and automated, allowing notifications to be part of your project management system. Security and compliance are crucial to ensure only the right people have access to sensitive information. It’s also important to contextualize communications, so they’re associated with the correct project or task, making it easier to retrieve information later.

1:39 – Using Klient for Project Management
Let me show you how Klient and the Klient Community can help. As a project manager, you need to track tasks assigned to customers. Klient allows you to provide clear descriptions and expectations, and customers can be notified of new assignments. Chatter is an excellent tool for keeping communications in context, directly linked to tasks. This ensures that everyone is on the same page, and internal teams are informed of updates.

2:40 – Benefits of Chatter and Task Management
Chatter allows for real-time communication within the context of specific tasks. Customers can ask questions, submit comments, or provide requested documents directly through the Klient Community. This centralized approach keeps everything organized and transparent. As a project manager, you’ll receive notifications for updates, allowing you to review Chatter posts and documentation quickly, ensuring the project stays up-to-date.

3:21- Conclusion and Call to Action
There you go. This is how you can achieve more with your customer using the Klient Customer Community. For more information, reach us at Thanks!