On-Demand Project Status Report GIF


On-Demand Project Status Report

Keep Your Customers in the Know with Live Sharing of Project Status through Customer Community

Effortlessly share detailed project status reports with your customers using the Klient Customer Community. This feature ensures transparency and keeps everyone aligned with the project’s progress, milestones, and potential risks.

On-Demand Project Status Report Description:

Comprehensive Project Overview

Provide your customers with a complete project summary right from the Klient Customer Community, including key metrics such as the percentage of completion, estimated hours, and total hours logged. This gives them a clear, real-time understanding of where the project stands and highlights any areas that may require attention.

Milestone Tracking

Share detailed updates on milestone tasks, including due dates, completion percentages, and any associated milestone payments. This ensures customers are always informed about the progress of critical project phases and can anticipate upcoming deliverables.

Issue Management

Keep your customers updated on any project issues by sharing detailed information about current issues, their severity, and the steps being taken to resolve them. This fosters transparency, allowing customers to see how challenges are being managed and ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Risk Monitoring

Clearly communicate potential risks, including their likelihood, impact, and overall risk score. By keeping customers informed about possible challenges, you help them prepare for and mitigate any issues that could affect the project’s timeline, budget, or scope.

Flexible Sharing Options

While you can easily download or email the project status report directly to your customers from the Project, we recommend using the Klient Customer Community for seamless sharing and enhanced collaboration, ensuring all stakeholders are aligned and engaged in one centralized platform.

The Klient Customer Community makes it easy to share real-time project updates, ensuring your customers are always in the loop and confident in the project’s progress.

Explore the Klient Customer Community to revolutionize your project management and customer collaboration! Book a demo today