Klient PSA Webinar

March 2025 Klient Product Update

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Klient PSA Webinar

March 2025 Klient PSA Product Update

Watch the March 2025 Klient Product Update Webinar hosted by Yanick & Rosalie, to stay up-to-date with our latest version released and learn how our newest functionalities could be leveraged to add value to your organization.

In this webinar, we cover new features from version 50.1.2: 

• Task Filters in My Deadlines to focus on what matters most.
• Customizable Resource Planner for flexible scheduling (days or weeks).
• Zoom In/Out in Workspace for quick shifts from detailed to big-picture views.
• Copy & Paste Tasks to reduce manual, repetitive work.

Rosalie Chassat: Hi, everybody! Welcome to today’s client product. Update webinar. My name is Rosalie. Welcome to everyone. We’re just gonna wait a couple of seconds to let everybody join in, and then we’ll get started. 2 .870 –> .460
Rosalie Chassat: Alright, perfect. 3 .280 –> .219
Rosalie Chassat: Okay, let’s get started. I see people have joined alright. So today, march product update webinar for client we are talking about current version 51.2, as you can see on the screen today. My name is Rosalie, and I’m a customer success manager at Client, and I’ll be your host today, as always. We also have a Yannick, our CEO. Hi, Yannick. 4 .220 –> .830
Yanick Abraham: Spring today. It’s a perfect day for have a for having a webinar 5 .180 –> .440
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah, really hot in Montreal today. Right now. And finally, we got someone new joining today. As our moderator. So we have Isabel from our customer success team as well, who will be answering your question in the Q. And a. And chat. 6 .780 –> .920
Rosalie Chassat: So let’s go to the next slide. How to be a great webinar participant, as always. Just make sure you participate to our polls when we launch them, use the react button to let us know how you feel about everything we’re saying, and you can use the chat and Q&A to ask questions we will try as much as possible to answer during the webinar. If not, we’ll follow up with you afterwards. 7 .949 –> .990
Rosalie Chassat: Let’s fire off this webinar with our very 1st poll already, as always, we want to know. Is this your 1st client, Webinar? Yes, no, I’m a regular no, I’ve been to a couple. It’s always nice to see new faces. Well, we don’t see you, but we feel your presence, so I’ll give you a couple of seconds to answer, and then we’ll be moving on to our agenda. 8 .460 –> .029
Rosalie Chassat: Alright. So first, st today we’ll be covering new features and improvements that were released in version 50.1 point 2 that was released earlier this week. So just on Tuesday, so very, very fresh we’ll also discuss what’s coming up on our next release. 9 .330 –> .738
Rosalie Chassat: So product, roadmap and then we’ll finish by announcing a new initiative that is now live to help you contribute more to our product roadmapproduct roadmap, and then conclusion best practices at the end. Perfect. Thank you for voting everyone 10 .370 –> .529
Rosalie Chassat: alright. So in terms of features that we will be covering today. We’ll be talking about test filters in my deadlines. We also have couple of really fun features in the workspace. We always have things in the workspace to help you work faster and view information better? Then we have a couple of features in the resource planner. This 11 .550 –> .299
Rosalie Chassat: release. We actually have more than a couple. And finally, we’ll talk about research utilization, something new there. So, Yannick, shall we get started with that 12 .300 –> .289
Yanick Abraham: Absolutely. So let’s start with my deadline. Ask Filter. So we’ve been, as you know, we’ve released my deadlines a few release ago, and in my deadlines. Now we’ve brought back some of the filtering mechanism, so let me open up my deadlines. As you recall, you can drop that page directly on the home screen if you wanted to. You can also access it from the main menu 13 .290 –> .920
Yanick Abraham: and the addition in this specific release. It’s about that filtering. So the same that we have filter on pretty much all our interface, the planner, the workspace, the Kanban. Now we have those on the my deadline page 2. So 14 .930 –> .314
Yanick Abraham: out of the box there’s a few of those 15 .890 –> .689
Yanick Abraham: pre-configured filter that are showing the 1st one we can look at. For example, it’s the task status. So just by, if I would just want to see my different tasks that are in progress across my different project that have deadlines upcoming in the next few weeks or this week I’m gonna be able to just use those filtering like that. 16 .690 –> .480
Yanick Abraham: But also you can create your own filtering. So, for example, this one I’ve created, it’s called I or Block Task. So where the priority is I and the status is block, and I created the or condition. So it’s not the end condition. So it’s 1 or the other. So if we’re taking a look on how this is built, let me just edit it. So you can see that I have my priority equals, I and my status equal block. 17 .580 –> .209
Yanick Abraham: and you can even build for those that didn’t know that knew that you can build your own filter logic. So in this case it’s or by default, it’s an so if I would not have that filter logic. It would just give me the IM Block task. In this case I have, or if you want to add a filter, it’s as simple as just clicking. Add filter, and let’s say you want to have something about only looking at billable tasks. 18 .210 –> .170
Yanick Abraham: You could just set it up like this and save it, and then it would take that into account. In this case I would need to modify my filter logic to add another condition on top. So 19 .170 –> .460
Yanick Abraham: this is the way that this filtering works. So if I go back to my default value, which is my work, then I’m seeing back all my tasks that have a deadline approaching or overdue task 20 .170 –> .000
Rosalie Chassat: Perfect. 21 .000 –> .780
Yanick Abraham: That’s so. This is the latest improvement on my deadline page. So let me go back to our slide and move to the next functionality. 22 .520 –> .480
Yanick Abraham: So this one you voted. That’s your favorite feature, Rosalie, the wrap cell content 23 .480 –> .035
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah, rep cell content and copy pasting tech. I think I’ve been talking about copy pasting since I joined 24 .900 –> .090
Yanick Abraham: While for me it’s the zoom in zoom out. So it’s kind of a we all have our own favorites. So let’s look at that. Let’s start with that wrapping of the different text columns that we have in the system. So 25 .150 –> .799
Yanick Abraham: this works on both the global workspace and the project workspace on a specific project. So you can see here, for example, if I’m expanding one of my project here, the smile, agile custom development, this is the default behavior that you’ve been seeing in the past. You can see that description that I have here. You only see the 1st line and a little bit of the next one below. But now you can right click on the editor 26 .800 –> .769
Yanick Abraham: and do wrap for any kind of text field. So now you can see a lot more across your project and throughout your different task to see the detail of this. 27 .770 –> .840
Yanick Abraham: And you can resize and move things around. And it’s gonna and it’s gonna do applying that wrap columns. And 28 .070 –> .759
Yanick Abraham: as you can do it as well on any other text field, let’s say you do have tasks that are very long task name that are very long. This can be also another field that you can wrap. And the cool thing, Rossetti, as you like to point out, right, those are gonna 29 .029 –> .750
Rosalie Chassat: When you see the red asterisk, it means you made some change to your preset. So then, you can, of course, save that as your preset. So next time you have this all wrapped up, this is a really quick win in terms of like after today’s webinar, you go upgrade. You just update the those columns that have more text, and then you just save your presets again, takes you a couple of minutes, and then you already get value from this new upgrade. So 30 .460 –> .950
Rosalie Chassat: I like 31 .950 –> .240
Yanick Abraham: And this work, like I said on a pure text field task name, long text field rich text area. So I know you’re using the next step column or field quite often. So let’s go ahead and and do that. We’ve upgraded our production environment so we can now play with this on our own board. 32 .401 –> .646
Yanick Abraham: So now let me open up that specific smile. Agile custom project and I’m gonna switch my preset. Now let’s look at the timeline execution. So I’m gonna bring the timeline so we can talk about the zoom in zoom out so this is a functionality that I’ve been waiting for for a little while, because, 33 .860 –> .069
Yanick Abraham: first, st when you have very long project, it was difficult to see that that project in the past. 34 .070 –> .970
Yanick Abraham: So now this is going to help you do this. And again, in terms of ease of use and in terms of speed, it’s all about being able to see your project at a glance. So now we’ve brought those 2 icons here on top, so you can easily zoom out or zoom in within the interface and on top of just using those you can even use the control with your wheel. 35 .970 –> .000
Yanick Abraham: Also control and the wheel for zooming out or zooming in, so you can do it on the Mac. I believe it’s a common key, so you can do that for those who didn’t know that you could also use the shift and the wheels to move from left to right. So this is another way that you can easily, just with your keyboard and mouse instead of clicking that, you can move your project around. 36 .000 –> .020
Yanick Abraham: So this is a definite win to be able to see and focus more on your project very fast on top. What we did is that we introduced 2 more option in your calendars for the scaling. So now we have 37 .020 –> .920
Yanick Abraham: years. So again, like I said, this is a pretty small project. It’s only a few months. So we don’t see the the purpose of having it on a year format. But you can see that now you have multiple here, and I could even zoom out more if I wanted to see more. And we have also quarters. So that’s gonna bring you a grouping between your Jan and March in this case, so you can easily switch between all our current view that we have in the past. And now we’ve introducing more of those 38 .170 –> .710
Yanick Abraham: scales for having a better visibility across your project. 39 .340 –> .818
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah. And once again the zoom granularity is retained when you save your preset. So 40 .910 –> .310
Yanick Abraham: Absolutely. And I think it’s worth mentioning as well. Another functionality we have in the system. So, for example, you see, I have more columns here in my my system and depending on my zoom level. So let’s say I’m I’m gonna zoom in. 41 .450 –> .940
Yanick Abraham: This is my browser. Zoom, let me just zoom back I’m gonna zoom in a bit more in my in my project plan and when I do the export so that the icon here on the right side. Whatever format I decide in this case, I’m gonna generate a Pdf. 42 .210 –> .650
Yanick Abraham: And let me just open up that Pdf oops. 43 .290 –> .119
Yanick Abraham: So by generating, depending on the scales you have and the column. You see, it’s gonna generate that specific project plan. So in this case I was pretty much zoomed in, but I could have done the the same thing with a lot more zoomed out. Let’s say I’m going back to my quarterly view and export it now it’s gonna take really that scale and the column on the left side as well in term of what I’m seeing. So now you can see that I’ve 44 .120 –> .720
Yanick Abraham: a bit cleaner project plan, but the export is also following this. This zoom in. Zoom out 45 .720 –> .160
Yanick Abraham: ratio that we’ve put in 46 .590 –> .459
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah. And this is feedback. We get a lot from customers that they are exporting and not quite finding the right view. So it’s probably a couple of tests you can run after and just play with those different ones. And of course, if you save those as presets the next time you need to share that with a customer. You just go to your preset. You don’t have to set it up every time, so 47 .530 –> .470
Yanick Abraham: Exactly so. So this is the zoom in zoom out functionality so the other one I want to show it’s the copy paste. So, depending on the use case, there’s different use case for copy and pasting. In this specific example, for example, I have my epics and my user stories that I need to develop. And I’ve 48 .480 –> .769
Yanick Abraham: a few of those here are here that are blank. And let’s say in my project, template, I could have those as blank item. And now what you can do is that 1st you can do it via the right click button. So I can just write, select multiple cells with again, with my control or my shift controller my keyboard. And then if I right click and I do paste. 49 .770 –> .490
Yanick Abraham: I have 2 options. So first, st we’re going to use the paste all task field. So by doing this, it’s going to bring several information. First, st you saw that the sprint is still the same. My description came in, my duration came in. So there’s a lot of different fields that are being copied from that original task. 50 .510 –> .469
Yanick Abraham: One caveat, though, is, and you can see as well that the duration on the right side as follow one caveat, though, is that we’re pasting on a flat level because, depending, you could have taken several tasks across all your section or in your parent task. So for simplicity, we’re just, we’re just pasting on one level. So at a flat level. So if I just want to re-end them back, I can just again use a different keyboard option. But I could 51 .862 –> .480
Yanick Abraham: reinvented and then those with with my keyboard, and and and properly map my parent of my my child task this way. I’m missing up now. My, my stuff, but the idea is that you can play around with that pace, copy and paste the other option you can do the keyboard as well, so you can do control. C control. V, so I still have my task copy. So now I’m going to do control. V on my keyboard. 52 .480 –> .080
Yanick Abraham: And now let me just paste the name. So now you can see that everything is blank. My duration is as default to the default value, and there’s no description. So those are the 2 options that we’re providing for copy and pasting tasks. Either 53 .180 –> .430
Yanick Abraham: several details of the task or just the task name to suit your your need of copy and pasting 54 .830 –> .900
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah. And if I can add something, because I see a question in the chat where we’re asking if you can copy paste from different projects. Which you can. So it’s the same. I don’t want to show that quickly. Yannick 55 .900 –> .809
Yanick Abraham: Needs to be in the same browser, though. But besides that, yes, you can copy across different projects 56 .170 –> .800
Rosalie Chassat: Yup, and I invite everybody. If you’re looking into that functionality to copy pasting to review the release notes after on the webinar. We’ve included a list of all the things that don’t get copied over. So at least you can review that. And when you’re copy pasting, you’re doing it with full trust that. You understand some things like financials, and anything has to do with the logged hours is not copied over. So just to keep in mind. And then one thing 57 .800 –> .910
Yanick Abraham: And then also the parent thing like I said, and some of that linkage because we didn’t wanna mess the planner. This may be something that we eventually can revisit. And if we’re gonna talk about ideas at the end of this webinar, so if you want more stuff to be copied over. We can have that discussion and revisit the that functionality at a later time 58 .250 –> .520
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah. And one thing to keep in mind. So the copy pasting really nice, there may be other options for you. If copy pasting is not the one. For example, you may be better off using our task templates for certain things. So task templates that will keep those dependencies and checklists and all that. So just keep in mind. You have task templates as an option as well. And another thing, I think, would be nice to show Yannick is 59 .816 –> .339
Rosalie Chassat: let’s say you want to copy a specific task multiple times. Maybe it’s a specific event and you’re copy pasting it like 10 times because it happens every month, we actually have a functionality for that that you can use. So maybe it’s a good opportunity to show 60 .675 –> .030
Rosalie Chassat: that right now. So the repeat functionality. Yannick, maybe 61 .320 –> .739
Yanick Abraham: Yeah. So, for example, I have this specific task here, validation session that let’s say I want to do it every week. And instead of copy pasting 12 time. You have an option here on the task panel called Repeat, if it’s not there, it might be one of your custom setting that needs to be updated. And it’s giving you the option of defining that recurring pattern. So in this case, let’s say, I want to do a weekly every week on Tuesday. I want to create that specific task. 62 .740 –> .100
Yanick Abraham: And we’re gonna start from this week and or from next week, and for the next 3 or 4 weeks. Let me just pick a date. 63 .100 –> .309
Yanick Abraham: and then by saving it, it’s gonna create in the background those tasks within the system. And now, if I just refresh. 64 .310 –> .470
Yanick Abraham: I should see those tasks showing up in my my project plan, and you will see on the timeline side that those tasks have been placed in time. So you see, all those validation session have been created automatically with that proper range of date that I’ve selected and that weekly occurrence. 65 .470 –> .349
Yanick Abraham: So you can easily repeat those tasks. And again, if you want to move a lot of things at the same time, you can always do this too. Right? So this is something that people didn’t know. But you can select multiple tasks and move them in a bunch. 66 .350 –> .289
Yanick Abraham: depending on your hierarchy. Sometimes you cannot move. If if it’s across different section. But 67 .290 –> .929
Yanick Abraham: when it’s on a flat level like that, it always always work. So that repeat recurring tasks, it’s another cool feature when it’s time to to do some repetitive repetitive work, and you don’t want to do too many copy and paste 68 .589 –> .229
Rosalie Chassat: You definitely got options 69 .640 –> .379
Yanick Abraham: Yeah, exactly. 70 .710 –> .960
Yanick Abraham: Okay. So this is some of the improvement that we have under workspace. Now let’s move on to that resource, planner and functionality that we’ve added. So we’ve added a few so columns wrap project name. I time off cell phone coloring. Actual hours display on the task level and the new filtering options on the project assignment statuses. 71 .160 –> .859
Yanick Abraham: So let me go back to my demo environment and open up my global resource planner. This works on both the global resource planner and the project planner. So as you recall from one of the previous webinar, we’ve one code base now for our 2 planners. So everything we develop on one. You have access usually on the other one, too, in this specific case. Now, I’m looking at my professional service team. And let’s say I want to see a lot more weeks in here. I could now select between one and 30 72 .860 –> .640
Yanick Abraham: one any columns that I want to see in the system. So now I’m missing 13 weeks or a full quarter of resource, allocation, or resource utilization. For across my different. 73 .640 –> .890
Yanick Abraham: my different projects and resources, what we have here. We have a small 74 .890 –> .481
Rosalie Chassat: They just have the preset 75 .400 –> .750
Yanick Abraham: So you can save the number of column in your preset. Mine is gonna default back to 6 when I’m gonna come back. 76 .027 –> .659
Yanick Abraham: This being said, you can also. We also introduced it in the Day view and the day View. It was fixed to 31 in the past. Now you can select the number of days that you want to see. So let me maybe select 3 days. And another functionality is that you can click here on the calendar and then really pick the day that you wanna the specific day that you wanna zoom in on before? It was just like at the beginning of the week, or at this, the beginning of the month. Now you can really specify where you wanna start 77 .660 –> .550
Yanick Abraham: and another small improvement. But for me. It’s marvelous, because before it was moving the entire block from left to right. So now it’s just moving per one day when you hitting those arrow here on top. So here you can see it’s Thursday. And when I’m hitting that it’s gonna do Friday instead, before it was doing the entire week, so it was difficult to just move something from one week to the other week, or from one day to the other day. 78 .550 –> .737
Yanick Abraham: And now with that functionality it helps a lot in terms of moving your different block of scheduling to a specific week or 79 .130 –> .440
Yanick Abraham: or days depending on your your 80 .690 –> .699
Yanick Abraham: your scale, that you’re selected here on the left side 81 .480 –> .539
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah, and those as well can be exported that view as well similar to the workspace. So you can set specific presets, and then you can also export them. So lots more flexibility there. 82 .023 –> .116
Rosalie Chassat: So those are a few of the options in terms of the scaling 83 .670 –> .770
Yanick Abraham: The other thing that we want to be looking at. It’s some of the again, usability or visibility. So first, st if I’m expanding our Roxanne Green here in that environment. So you can see here that I have a very long project name with way too many characters. So now it’s wrapping those those long names. So before it was just cutting it. Now you can see the entire project name even. It’s a very way too long title for a project, but now you can see the entire content of it. 84 .900 –> .870
Yanick Abraham: Another great thing is that the color coding is now dynamic. So before it was purely. You can change the color here right if you recall that we have a color set up, and before you could only have black as the font. Now you can see we have white here, and if I’m expanding as well, one of my my other items, this means that you can now put darker color in the planner. 85 .870 –> .939
Yanick Abraham: because now it’s not only black, it’s going to dynamically know if the color is is darker. So it’s going to switch to white when the color is a bit too dark. 86 .000 –> .180
Yanick Abraham: and in term of the time off I think you voted as one of your favorite. That was Eddie. So 87 .850 –> .770
Yanick Abraham: in this case you can see that Roxanne has some time off coming next week for a long weekend with her family. But you can see that Lou doesn’t have that time offline before it was always showing that time offline, even if he didn’t have any time off now for sake of really again focusing on the proper thing and removing the noise we have remove lines that of time off that don’t have any time off within the range you’re looking at. So 88 .770 –> .499
Yanick Abraham: if I was looking at the 31 columns I would see more. But in this specific case I only see it when it’s my within my 6 week of my project here 89 .070 –> .159
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah. And if I can add something, just best practice slash reminder. If you are leveraging the resource planner, and you’re not using our time off functionality. You definitely should, because otherwise you’re missing out on that visibility. So if you haven’t set that up yet, and you want to know more about it. We actually have an e-learning course on it, or you can reach out to support. But we definitely encourage you to leverage the time off feature. So that’s a little disclaimer 90 .160 –> .879
Yanick Abraham: If you don’t like your caller scheme that you have presently take a screenshot and then go here in the menu color mapping for the Admins, and then you can change the color mapping of pretty much all the information that you see here. And now the other functionality. I wanna showcase. It’s the we have a toggle, we add in the past, but display actual hours. But now it’s also showing it. First, st there’s a new icon that represent that number hours log. So now you, it’s easier to see 91 .381 –> .919
Yanick Abraham: and differentiate the assignment or the scheduling versus what got log. But also now we have it on the task level before it was purely on the project level. Now you can see it as well on the task level. And we’re bringing other functionality. Eventually, we’re gonna have it on the resource level, 2 on the top. But now you can easily see those hours based on what has been logged with 92 .920 –> .489
Yanick Abraham: in the system. So in this case I’ve worked 2 h on that provide documentation 3 h on that initial configuration. And again, this can be saved in the preset, and it can. It’s a toggle that you can do on and off in term of if you want to see it or not. 93 .670 –> .359
Yanick Abraham: And the last functionality I want to show it’s the filtering on the project statuses. But just to give a bit more context, maybe so, let’s look at Kenta here. So we have kenta jade that she’s involved on 2 project. 94 .530 –> .960
Yanick Abraham: 1st thing I want to point out. Since we’re talking about color a lot you can see here. This one is blue while this one is pink. So this means that the project they are in a different status. In this specific case. This blue means 95 .460 –> .960
Yanick Abraham: that. Well, sorry I’m misclicking 96 .130 –> .982
Yanick Abraham: the project. Status is in progress, and in this specific case the project status is in pipeline, meaning that we haven’t sold yet that specific project. But we still wanna plan to have Canta doing it. But it’s not sure that she’s gonna be doing it because it hasn’t been sold. It’s in pipeline, and 97 .380 –> .269
Yanick Abraham: the color coding on the right side here also means something, and you can refer to this legend here to know it. So again, this is the project assignment status caller, and you can see that the pink one means pipeline. You could have sub book and closed. And also this is what we’re going to see. So we can see that the canta here on the week of the 24th of March is 115% of our capacity for 46 h, 62 here. 98 .270 –> .590
Yanick Abraham: But now, with our new functionality, you can really zoom in on only the 99 .710 –> .040
Yanick Abraham: project that are or the assignment status that aren’t a specific status. In this case, let’s look at only the booked statuses. And you can multiple stack those. But just by doing this now it’s gonna filter out the list. And now we can see that are really true, effective project. If the other one don’t close. She’s more around 45%. So 18 h, meaning that we need to provide her a bit more work 100 .040 –> .600
Yanick Abraham: to to work on. Or we absolutely need to close that project to make sure that our people in Kenta is busy for the next few weeks. 101 .600 –> .059
Yanick Abraham: So this should help as well to really understand better. If your people are booked or sub book, or if some of your project are in pipeline for the pipeline approach, you could have also just take the status of the project because you also have the project status that is available. But you can also look at the booking status of your specific resources. 102 .110 –> .161
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah, can be a little bit confusing difference between project status and project assignment status. But 103 .540 –> .770
Yanick Abraham: Project status is the old project. So when you’re looking at the project? Is the project one in progress or blocked at risk, while the project assignment status is really the individual within your project. Are they books of book? Is it the project that you want to play in pipeline, or I wanna and I want to show you as well. So if I’m just removing my filter here 104 .241 –> .149
Yanick Abraham: this is being controlled on the project assignment itself. So if I open up this here and I press the pen, you can exit your resource, for example, and then you can see that the status here is pipelines of book book. So in this specific case, let me put it to book. 105 .150 –> .599
Yanick Abraham: And now you can see that the color has changed. And now she’s officially booked, and it’s mainly a status for representation. But you can build automation on top if you wanna resend it. Notification or things like that. That. Now the status of that project assignment has switched to to 106 .790 –> .580
Rosalie Chassat: Perfect 107 .740 –> .999
Rosalie Chassat: lots of things in a resource, planner. I think I feel like that’s the release with most things, most little small 108 .000 –> .480
Yanick Abraham: Yeah. 109 .960 –> .580
Rosalie Chassat: Okay. 110 .040 –> .769
Yanick Abraham: This was our commitment, right to really improve that resource, planner. And we’re not stopping there. We have still a lot of other stuff that we’re gonna be building in the next few releases 111 .770 –> .910
Yanick Abraham: perfect. Let’s move to the next one. 112 .200 –> .450
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah, our last one. 113 .200 –> .320
Yanick Abraham: So the 114 .400 –> .549
Yanick Abraham: other functionality that we’ve added. So it’s the resource utilization. So this is a resource. Utilization is an object that’s been created in different ways. You can have a routine that’s running a daily or weekly routine. That’s gonna stamp 115 .550 –> .149
Yanick Abraham: your utilization. While we moving on the planner like I was doing or showing you. This is real time, but that utilization routine is able to stamp stuff. So if you want to refer back to what was scheduled, and and if you want to look at future utilization as well, and then even you can compare between what was predicted 2 weeks ago versus what it is now you can use our resource utilization. 116 .290 –> .239
Yanick Abraham: The problem was in the past that you could only do either weekly or monthly, and the concept here is that we can spread across 2 months. But quite often you wanted your resource utilization on a weekly basis. So we were lacking that capacity of doing both at the same time. So now we’ve introduced that capacity, and from that custom setting called client configuration. You now have another 117 .240 –> .340
Yanick Abraham: checklist here, or checkbox here. That’s create resources decision by week. So you can check both now 118 .340 –> .910
Yanick Abraham: and let me show you in the environment what’s gonna change. And this is important to know for the people that are currently using this, you if you don’t change anything and you don’t go and check it, you don’t have to change anything. But if you start and checking both, or then you you will need to filter out one of the 2 based on your reports and dashboard. 119 .910 –> .520
Yanick Abraham: So in this case here in our homepage. If you recall, we had that graph. This one is really based on that object called resource utilization. And within that report I can see that 120 .710 –> .470
Yanick Abraham: this is the object itself or resource utilization record that got created. And now we’ve we’ve created a new picklist value for monthly or weekly. So all your previous utilization, if you don’t rerun the routine, are going to be to none. 121 .470 –> .189
Yanick Abraham: and the next one that are going to be generated are going to be either weekly monthly, and you you might have some record that are monthly while you have some other that are weekly. So in specific dashboard. You will want to filter out one of the 2, so you don’t double count any values. But now you can have that visibility on a monthly basis, and you can have that visibility on a weekly basis without any problem, something that we 122 .190 –> .099
Yanick Abraham: in the past. And this is something that a lot of our customer were were asking for as well. We also have in our roadmap. I think it’s a future release, a longer future release. But to be able to do 123 .100 –> .909
Yanick Abraham: by project and by resource at the same time, too. So now you still have to toggle either project associated or just resource associated. And there’s different use cases so we might introduce that in a in a future release as well 124 .000 –> .030
Rosalie Chassat: Perfect. 125 .690 –> .780
Yanick Abraham: That’s it. This was a bit more technical, but very useful. When you wanna predict or see your future utilization 126 .120 –> .090
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah. And we don’t talk that often about research organization. So it’s good that we spend a couple of minutes on it. I just launched a poll, because we want to know, as always, which functionalities you’re most excited about from the one we presented. So you can take a couple of seconds, and just let us know otherwise if you go to the next screen. Yannick, indeed, we’ve included in his presentation that we share after the webinar. We’ve included all the other fixes and improvements that are available in this release. Of course you can see the full list in the release notes. 127 .170 –> .669
Rosalie Chassat: but if you check our presentation. Then you can just click on the one that’s interesting to you to go directly. To the release notes. So little tip here. And I’m just looking at the results from there. 128 .670 –> .950
Yanick Abraham: Yeah, I’m curious. Which one is on top. 129 .350 –> .009
Yanick Abraham: Is it yours? Is it mine? Something else 130 .010 –> .760
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah. Oh, that that the one, the the display actual hours on task levels getting some traction. But yeah, the copy pasting copy pasting is just such a classic one that’s getting like half people voting on that one. And of course, if you want to take advantage of all these different functionalities. 131 .900 –> .720
Rosalie Chassat: Just need to make sure. You go and upgrade after today. So we’re expecting a big spike of upgrades tomorrow, of course. Friday afternoon. And yeah, it looks like most people are planning to upgrade. So that’s great to know. Thanks so much 132 .970 –> .300
Rosalie Chassat: for sharing that. And these are pulled results. By the way, you’re not doing that for nothing like we look at them, and we share with the whole team internally. So it’s always good to know which interfaces. You guys are more interesting in which which features you’re most interested in it. It also helps us decide like what we work on next. So thanks a lot. 133 .900 –> .160
Rosalie Chassat: All right. 134 .961 –> .479
Rosalie Chassat: Okay. So our next section product, roadmap and ideas voting. So let’s have a look at our product roadmap. Every webinar we talk about what’s coming on our next release. So we’ll continue to do that. 135 .790 –> .040
Rosalie Chassat: Moving forward, though, we’ll encourage you to vote for some features. So we’ll talk about that after. So 1st of all, if we look. And this is a screenshot from our community roadmap. If you look at the screenshot. You’ll see we’ve got a couple of things that the team is working on for a next release. Next release should be mid-april. Something like that. 136 .040 –> .950
Rosalie Chassat: Majority of those came from customer requests. So we’ve added in a roadmap those little light bulbs. This means it’s coming straight from customer feedback, most of them from the next release. Actually, that’s the case. 137 .950 –> .370
Rosalie Chassat: And then, if we just go over a couple of things that are coming. So in the resource planner, we’re working on hiding empty rows. So today we talked about hiding those rows for time off when there’s no time off. So we’re working on just cleaning that resource, planner. So you have more space to see what really matters to you. It’s probably going to be a toggle filtering by project owner. 138 .370 –> .849
Rosalie Chassat: I feel like in every last release. We’ve added a new filter. Slash option there. And then one that a lot of people are waiting for is the preset sharing and resource planner. So we already have preset sharing in the workspace. So we’ll add it to the resource planner, so that all those nice views I know I spoke. I don’t remember which customer I spoke recently that had, like 2020 presets in the resource planner, so definitely waiting for that preset sharing option. We also have 139 .170 –> .129
Rosalie Chassat: linking timesheet split to task assignment task assignment schedule. So that should help you in terms of reporting. That’s a big one, too, that people are waiting for 140 .867 –> .570
Rosalie Chassat: invoicing. So we’re working on flagging, invoice when they’re done generating revenue recognition. Some work on there as well in the workspace we’re working on auto, save for when you’re typing your text in the Rt. Model default presets as well. That’s going to be something useful. For if you’re using community, for example, and then this next release, maybe there’s a little bit less things 141 .994 –> .485
Rosalie Chassat: in terms of features. But we’re working on doing a lot of issues fixes. So we just wanna make sure the platform works well with everyone 142 .800 –> .450
Yanick Abraham: You need to talk about this one here 143 .770 –> .420
Rosalie Chassat: That one is the next week, if you want to talk about it. But that’s like 144 .429 –> .289
Yanick Abraham: What happened 145 .800 –> .889
Yanick Abraham: currently being developed, and that this is gonna be very useful, because, it’s a new scheduling mode we’ve been talking about adding new scheduling mode, and you can still do like hours per week now, but it’s a bit more cumbersome. And but now you’re gonna be able to have a new interface for scheduling per week per day per month per quarter. So this is gonna be very, very useful across the board. So. Yeah. Again, another 146 .409 –> .969
Yanick Abraham: ideas and improvement on the resource planner, like we’ve committed ourselves last the last few sessions 147 .870 –> .050
Rosalie Chassat: Perfect and I just want to pull. Because again, we’re curious to know which of these upcoming features you’re most interested about. So you can go ahead and vote some of them, like most of the one we had on last webinar, we actually all released on this on this release now, but some of them they’re there again. So we’re just curious again to see. 148 .590 –> .020
Rosalie Chassat: There we go. Oh, we’ve got traction for the revenue recognition one. 149 .860 –> .374
Rosalie Chassat: all right. So I’ll let people voting. And then we can go yeah to our next screen. So what’s this ideas voting thing that we mentioned earlier, and we mentioned on the last webinar so let me just finish this poll. I’m just gonna start with a quick question. 150 .900 –> .869
Rosalie Chassat: before we move forward. Let me just go back. Okay, so before we talk about the voting on ideas we were just curious, because this involves our customer community, and we didn’t really ask any poll on that. So we were curious to know if everyone on the webinar already has a community login. So if you have seen these pages before in these tabs, and this view 151 .870 –> .770
Rosalie Chassat: means you have logged in so yes or no. If you said, Yes, how often do you log in? We’re just curious like, are you there a few times a week, few times a month, or barely, ever hopefully, after today you’re there all the time. And then also, like, what do you do in our community? There’s a lot of different things you may be logging in just to do one of these things. I think people are aware that they can consult like help article, but maybe not aware. 152 .770 –> .280
Rosalie Chassat: can do other things. So we’re just curious to know a little bit more. And if I look quickly like 153 .320 –> .400
Rosalie Chassat: that’s good, we’ve got really engaged bunch on today’s webinar. Everybody already has a community login access maybe not logging in that often. But most people it looks like you’re consulting help article and reviewing release notes. Very good. There’s other things you can do. So today we’ll talk about. The ideas Tab. More specifically. 154 .096 –> .569
Rosalie Chassat: so earlier this month, our team sat down, went through all the ideas that our customers have submitted over the past months. So you may have submitted those via support ticket by reaching out to our support team, or you may have posted those in our ideas. Section. 155 .570 –> .499
Rosalie Chassat: Then our team scored all those ideas. They went through it. It was quite, quite the worthy right, and came up with a short list of 20 ideas that we put back on our community. And we also did internal voting as well. So now on our community. We have 20 ideas. 156 .500 –> .310
Rosalie Chassat: And starting today, what we want you to do is you and your team to go log into your community. Go to the idea section, review those ideas and vote for the ones that you want us to work on. You can vote for more than one idea. And if there’s an idea you’re super into, make sure you invite your colleagues to vote as well, and what we’ll do is you’ll have 4 weeks to vote for those. 157 .430 –> .339
Rosalie Chassat: and before the next webinar we’ll make sure to review those ideas, and on the next webinar on April 24, th we will reveal which ideas had the most votes, and those will be the one that we will be adding to a roadmap and developing. So we’re really looking forward to having this better communication and better alignment with our customers. So we really hope there’s a lot of votes coming in the next few weeks. 158 .950 –> .469
Yanick Abraham: Invite your colleagues. If if this is one of your idea, or you really want it, make sure that they have a just right to support@client.com to get the credentials for those people and have them vote because, the is one are gonna be the one that’s being developed. 159 .765 –> .504
Yanick Abraham: As you saw in our roadmap, we’re still developing a lot more than just the one that you’re voting on. Those. Those are the one that we were on the fence, so should we prioritize them or not. So but yeah, please go vote. Because you you saw that. Yeah, we’re listening to you. And we’re really deploying and developing what our customer wants. This is just gonna give us a lot better. 160 .480 –> .969
Yanick Abraham: context. And actually, what you guys want. So please go vote 161 .480 –> .409
Rosalie Chassat: Yeah. And in the meantime, of course, if you have any feature requests new ones that you’re not seeing on that list, or you have not shared with us just email our support team. And then it may come in that list in the future, because we will be refreshing this. This list every month we’ll remove the ideas that don’t have any votes. We’ll remove as well the most popular one, because they will officially go on our roadmap, and then we may add some of the new requests that we’ve got in 162 .410 –> .490
Rosalie Chassat: meantime. So we’re really looking forward to that. And, by the way, if you are on the ideas, Page, and you share the URL with a colleague, and the colleague cannot see the content. 163 .490 –> .259
Rosalie Chassat: It means they’re either not logged into the community, or they just don’t have access. Yeah, they don’t have access to the community. So can like. In contrary to like release notes. For example, this link. Even if you’re not logged in, you can see them. But 164 .260 –> .250
Rosalie Chassat: for the ideas you really need to be logged in as a community user, so 165 .250 –> .719
Yanick Abraham: And now we’ve there’s a question from Darren that so it’s really. Now we’ve removed that button to create new ideas, because this is a curated list before it was way too long and a bit not aligned. So now we’re still, and even more than ever we’re reviewing all those ideas and making sure that we’re gonna have a fresh list every webinar and we keep you updated on those statuses. So just please just write to support@client.com, if you have any ideas. 166 .057 –> .562
Yanick Abraham: Darren, I were not forgetting you for your time. Sheet notification, customization. It’s there. It should probably be in the next batches if it’s not already here, so we’ll be we’ll be looking at those 167 .900 –> .575
Yanick Abraham: those ideas coming on to support, and we can make sure to develop them. So we sometimes we take some complex ones, some that are very lowing food, very easy. But again, this is there to understand really what you guys want, because we think it’s a good idea that it is 168 .260 –> .499
Yanick Abraham: So you’re gonna help us out for sure. 169 .820 –> .509
Rosalie Chassat: Perfect, and then we’ve got 5 min. So I think we’ll just head to our conclusion. Slash. Best practice. We remind you about these every time, but we’ve put it in some more organized way. So a couple of things to make sure you do as great client customers make sure you upgrade every quarter. If you’re not sure. When should I upgrade? Every quarter is what we recommend? We’ve included a link on how to upgrade their accessing release notes, etc. 170 .510 –> .710
Rosalie Chassat: Make sure to check out our new e-learning courses as well that we talked we launched last month. If you click there, you’re going to get directly to our website. It’s accessible from resources. 171 .023 –> .870
Rosalie Chassat: E-learning. And then you can start any course. You can copy a link and share it with a colleague as well. For those of you who don’t know Isabel. She just popped on the webinar, so you can say, Hi. 172 .190 –> .854
Yanick Abraham: Don’t think she 173 .410 –> .159
Rosalie Chassat: There she is. If you haven’t met her also email or support@client.com, or create support cases directly from client community. If you have questions, feature requests, make sure to book your next quarterly check in with our customer success manager as well. If you don’t know what those quarterly check-ins are, it may be because you have not booked it yet, or you were not invited. But then you can ask whoever was invited to join in. The more people that join these calls, the better 174 .160 –> .570
Rosalie Chassat: make sure to follow us on Linkedin as well. Lately we’ve got way more content that we’re putting. Actually, I know today, we released a video of Yannick, a little spotlight. So be sure to follow us on Linkedin. If you want to see those updates. We tell you as well when we have new features, what’s coming up, etc. 175 .570 –> .880
Rosalie Chassat: and then make sure to read our monthly newsletters. And that is what concludes our webinar, as always, we would love to get some feedback on how we did today on the webinar. Otherwise, after today we will be sending you a follow up email with this slide presentation, the recording couple of the highlights from the webinar. And that’s kind of it for today. We’ll see you next month for the Webinar on April 24, th 176 .230 –> .470
Rosalie Chassat: anything you wanted to add to Yannick 177 .690 –> .648
Yanick Abraham: Oh, happy spring! That’s it! 178 .240 –> .240
Rosalie Chassat: Alright! Have a great day, everyone 179 .620 –> .680
Yanick Abraham: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Zarel 180 .880 –> .210
Rosalie Chassat: Bye. 181 .210 –> .550
Yanick Abraham: Thank you to our customer.


Yanick Abraham

CEO – Klient
Customer success

Rosalie Chassat

Customer Success – Klient


00:00 Introduction & agenda

03:08 My Deadlines – Task Filters

05:42 Workspace Improvements

17:29 Resource Planner Improvements

27:28 Resource Utilization

30:15 Fixes and Notables Improvements

31:55 Product Roadmap & Ideas Voting

41:17 Best Practices & Conclusion

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