Estimate & Forecast

Resource Management

Optimize your resources, streamline scheduling, and ensure efficient project delivery with Klient’s resource management tools.

Maximize your team’s productivity and ensure optimal resource allocation with Klient, a 100% Salesforce™ native PSA platform. Streamline scheduling, track resource utilization, and manage workloads effectively. Klient helps you deploy the right resources at the right time, ensuring projects are delivered on time and within budget.
Optimize Resource Allocation - Resource Management


Optimize Resource Allocation

Allocate resources efficiently with real-time visibility into availability and skills. Ensure the right resources are assigned to the right tasks, maximizing productivity.


Streamline Scheduling

Easily create and adjust schedules to meet project demands. Visual scheduling tools help you manage team availability and project timelines seamlessly. Automated scheduling features minimize conflicts and maximize efficiency.

Achievable results you can expect with a professional service automation platform

Experience impressive results with CRM-integrated PSA software. According to SPI Research’s 2024 Professional Services Maturity™ benchmark, you can achieve:


Boost in
Project Margin


Increase Revenue
Per Employee


Grow Profit


More Customers

Monitor Utilization - Resource Management

Monitor Utilization

Track resource utilization to ensure balanced workloads and avoid burnout. Real-time tracking helps you identify underutilized resources and optimize their deployment. Detailed reporting provides insights into resource performance.
Estimate & Forecast

Essential Features for Resource Management

Resource Planner
Role Placeholder
Cost Rate & Bill Rate
Holiday Schedules & Time Off
Resource Allocation
Visual Scheduling Tools
Utilization Tracking
Predictive Analytics
Team Collaboration
Skills Management
Capacity Planning
Real-Time Availability


Predict Future Needs

Use predictive analytics to forecast resource needs for upcoming projects. Plan proactively to ensure resource availability and avoid project delays. Historical data analysis aids in accurate forecasting.
Predict Future Needs - Resource Management

Centralized Resource Management

Consolidate all resource data in a central platform, making it easier to access and manage information about availability, skills, and assignments. Increase employee satisfaction by reducing the number of disparate systems and performing their full journey in one platform, from onboarding and training to offboarding.
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Why use a PSA software running on Salesforce?

World’s #1 CRM

Integrated platform, Al, app de-velopment, best-in-class apps

Single Source of Truth

Connect sales, service, marketing, commerce, and IT, personalize experiences

Fast Time to Value

Ease of design and implementation at speed with high ROI

Scalable and Flexible

Solutions for any size company or industry

Community Success

96% of customers say they met or exceeded ROI expectation

“We have leveraged the power of the Klient PSA solution since 2018. The Klient solution is now a core business system for our organization and has improved our overall visibility into the business. We have improved operational efficiencies, project quality and resource management just to name a few.”

James Smale

CEO & Co-Founder
Redpath Consulting Group


Unify Every Department Under One Source of Truth

Benefits of a Single Platform:


CENTRALIZED BI: Access all data and reports in one unified platform


ENHANCED PERFORMANCE: Boost performance with easy access to unified project data


EFFICIENT COLLABORATION: Seamlessly share and retrieve information across the platform


ENGAGED CUSTOMERS: Improve interactions with detailed, accessible project data

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